Montana DI Teams Finished Year at Global Finals

Five Montana teams joined the 1470 teams from around the Globe to showcase their solutions to this year's DI challenges. 

The Montana Teams came with an Eye for Creativity and a Nose for Innovation.



The Improv team, The Exotic Roller Skating, Bubble-Blowing Alpacas, from Irving School in Bozeman placed 14th out of 77 teams in the Elementary level of Improv Games. 

The Irving Dreamer's for LIfe placed 27th in the Elementary Level and the Darby Duck Tape Nation placed  26th in the Middle Level of Feary Tales. 

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2015-2016 Challenge Previews

TechnicalThe world is full of changes, both big and small. So grab the wheel – let’s see them all!Points of Interest-Design and build a vehicle able to carry at least one team member across the presentation site multiple times.-Change the vehicle...