On Saturday, March 7th, at East Middle School in Butte, students from across Montana will showcase their creative solutions the the seven Destination Imagination Challenges for this year.  The presentations will include solutions on team created inventions, what happens when a new species encounters a new habitat, how to use photography to tell a story, how a hero can overcome a conundrum, travel into space, and if their bridge of cards and duct tape will withstand weights transported across it.

The public is invited to come watch the solution performances and be amazed at how creatively Montana’s students have solved these complex open-ended STEAM based Challenges using .  The teams have been working for up to five months to prepare their solutions to these Challenges. 

In addition to their presentations, the teams will also compete in an Instant Challenge competition that requires them to use creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking to demonstrate their spontaneous problem solving skills for an unknown challenge.

Below are links to the schedule and important information for teams coming to the State Tournament.