Where Are the Points

Instant Challenge Workshop – Where Are the Points 

After the Instant Challenge is read teams should quickly discuss what the challenge requires you to do to receive points.
  • Is it important to use all the materials?
  • Would keeping it simple help accomplish the task with the same amount of points?
  • Are you allowed to test your solution?
  • If you test your solution will it affect the scoring portion due to possible damage to the materials?
Make sure you take about 15 – 20 seconds of your Think/Imagination time to decide
  • What type of materials you have if you have a task based challenge.
  • What you will need to solve the challenge
  • How you can use the supplies to help you reach, connect, move or control things.
What can you do to gain team work points during assembly and transportation times?
  • Should you take turns?
  • Should different people build different parts?
  • Should different people have different tasks during the presentation section?
  • Is there anything else you can do to WOW the appraisers?
What can you do to gain creativity points?
  • Take a risk-by making it more creative even though it may take longer.
  • Look at materials and evaluate: which ones would get you more creativity points?
  • Which materials would make you more successful?
  • Which materials would make you successful AND gain creativity points?
  • What if you use more than one step to launch, retrieve, move an object?
  • Are you willing to sacrifice accuracy and dependability for creativity?
  • Is there anything else you can do to WOW the appraisers?

Some parts of the solution may receive more points.

For Task and Combination Instant Challenges make sure you check the points for:
  • Height
  • Weight Held
  • How Many
  • Distance
  • Creative Use of Materials
Do the points for height, weight, distance have a limit to how many points you can earn? This will help you decide how much time to spend on that element.
  • If the challenge says you will receive 20 points for having a standing structure and 0 if it doesn’t stand and 1 point for each inch of height, should you put more time into having a standing structure or a tall structure?
  • Sometimes getting some points is always better than getting none.

Also look at the time you have to build, move, or design to help you decide if you are going to sacrifice creativity points for more height, distance, number built, or weight held, or if you need to divide your team to do different tasks.

Always take at least 15 seconds of your Imagination/Think time to discuss these points. 

With some Instant Challenges you may have a lot of questions on what you may and may not do.  The Challenges are written this way to leave you lots of ways to solve them.  

For Challenges like this your team should decide –
  • How to use the materials?
  • Can you make more than one device, tower, or object?
  • Do you have to use all the materials?
  • Can you change your device as you go?

Remember in Destination Imagination there is a rule that says if it doesn’t say you can’t you can.

In Instant Challenge you are not allowed to ask questions until your Imagination/Think time begins.
  • Once time begins decide what you want to do?
  • If you think your idea may not follow the rules ask the appraisers?
  • Don’t waste time asking questions – you may want to have someone designated to ask questions while the rest of the team gets to work.

Ask 2 or 3 debriefing questions after IC

  • Could you test before you moved to part 2?
  • Was there anything you could not do?
  • Which points did your team decide were the most important?
  • Could you build more than one device?
  • Did you have to use all the supplies each time?
  • Could you change your device between trips?