One of our long time Appraisers, Bill Freese received a Spirit of Discovery and Imagination Award: 

Bill was diligent as the Prep Area Appraiser.  While the teams were not greeted by him in person they still received kind, thoughtful messages from him about their forms and areas that needed corrections.  This year he put in a lot of extra effort to make sure all the teams’ paperwork was in order and ready for the appraisers.  

Bill has a way helping the kids show their absolute best and  spot potential issues ahead of time.  He has an amazing ability to foresee what’s going to happen with a team’s solution without actually seeing the presentation in action.  One of the toughest jobs Bill does best is to give kids an opportunity to fix their issues without leading them to a solution.

Bill is steady and thorough and always helps the kids with a positive line of questions!  He really puts his heart into the job and in doing so helps keep the contests running smoothly!

Thanks Bill for a terrific job!