Manage a Team

2 videos found
What Does a Team Manager Do
30 second intro to the role of a Team Manager
Become a Team Manager
Brief Intro to Becoming a DI Team Manager.
Articles of interest for Team Managers to make your experience of managing a team fun and creative.
Selecting a Team: Tips on what to consider when forming a team.  Who should be on the team in terms of skills, talents, and personalities.
Team Building: Team building games and activities to help your team learn to work together and be more cohesive.
What Does a DI Challenge Solution Look Like: Here you will find links to videos that will help you and your team get a better idea of what a DI Challenge Solution looks like.
CPS_Tools  introduces creative thinking tools and explains how to utilize the
them while working on a Challenge. These short activities introduce the tools, explain how to use them, and present an activities for team members to develop skills to help them create unique solutions to their Challenge.
What are the EXPECTATIONS of Destination Imagination A summary of the Expectations for team members, Team Managers, and Parents of the Destination Imagination experience.
The DI Team Managers Bill of Rights What the Team Manager can expect from the team members and parents.
Ways Parents Can Help Team managers should not be expected to do everything without help.  This is a list of ways parents can help without violating the Rules of Interference.
SUGGESTED GOALS FOR THE FIRST FIVE MEETINGS Suggestions for what to do in your first five team meetings.