User Videos

48 videos found
Internet Research
The internet is a great resource to use when solving the central challenge.
Elements of a Story
This video covers the five key elements of any story.
Prioritization Method
This video shares the ABC-123 prioritization method.
Prepare for Post-performance Interview
This video gives tips on explaining your solution to the appraisers after the performance at the tournament.
Rehearsal Outline
Four sessions to get the Destination Imagination performance tournament-ready with a rehearsal outline and techniques.
Tips for Memorizing Lines
It is super helpful to memorize your lines before your team's first Central Challenge rehearsal. Here are some memorization tip.
How to revise your DI script for time and score
How to revise your Destination Imagination script to meet time requirements and maximize score.
How to write the first draft of your DI script
Consider these tips when writing the first draft of your Destination Imagination script.
Getting ready to write your DI script
Preparing is an important step to writing a good script for a Destination Imagination skit.
Choosing a DI Challenge
There are many ways for a team to choose which Destination Imagination challenge to solve. This is one example!
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